
Compare Gas Deals

Compare Gas Companies UK 2024
Compare gas has access to exclusive prices from a large panel of suppliers. Compare energy suppliers now to see the latest deals.
Wait! Read this before requesting quotations...
Energy costs are spiralling out of control, forcing several suppliers to eliminate their tariffs. This means for you is as follows:
  • We are unlikely to be able to save you money at the moment due to a lack of tariffs to compare.
  • We want to assist you in the future - but we have no idea when that will be.
We believe in doing the right thing for our clients at all times - which is why we'd rather inform you now. Consequently you don't waste time quoting if we're unlikely to be able to assist you.
Do you want to find out how much you would save with a different gas supplier?
We give you access to a large community of gas suppliers so that you can compare them to get the best tariffs at cheaper prices.

Your only role is to compare the suppliers and find the one who will suit your financial budget and needs. The rest is for us to handle. We are in charge of all the communications with the suppliers so that you get your gas delivered to you effortlessly.
It is now easy to switch gas suppliers
Our team consists of experts who will take care of the switching
Great home gas deals
You can get affordable gas deals on the market
Switch your gas digitally
All you have to do is compare the gas suppliers online and switch.
How to compare energy suppliers on Switch Squid

First and foremost, you have to provide us with your postcode and some information about your existing gas plan.

Switch Squid will then provide you with several options of suppliers to choose from your best deal.

Homes that have never switched or taken long have greater saving deals. This is because high chances are that they are on standard variable tariffs.

A comparison of gas prices with Switch Squid will show you how much you can save off several other deals when you decide to switch.

Compare gas suppliers with Switch Squid and receive a quote right away

Our goal is to provide you with the best home and business gas deals and make the whole switching process as simple as possible.

Enter your postcode into our energy comparison calculator and get yourself the best gas quotes.

How do I switch my gas supplier?

After choosing the best gas tariff for your home, we inform both the existing and future gas suppliers about your decision to switch gas. They are then required to choose a day for the transfer to be done.

When this has been done, your new supplier will then send you a welcome pack with the information about the tariff you have chosen. Expect to receive this within two days though it could take weeks to arrive.

You are given a cooling-off period of 14 days in which you can switch to another energy supplier without being charged.

Then, you are supposed to offer a meter reading in case you are content with your tariff on the changeover day. This way, your previous energy supplier gets to give you your final bill to close their service with you.

What is required of me to compare gas prices?

If you want to get suitable energy quotes for your home gas use, you may need the following requirements :

  • Energy supplier’s name
  • Your method of payment either direct debit or billing
  • Your existing energy tariff
  • The aver age amount of gas you use

If you don’t know all the details, check your previous gas bill or you can log online and find them on your account.

You may not know the average amount of gas you use, you will have to answer a few questions from our energy comparison engine for estimations.

Freequently Asked Questions