Energy News

Fossil Fuel Industry Faces Climate Protests in London Meta

Climate activists disrupt the Energy Intelligence Forum, a conference where fossil fuel executives and government officials discuss energy issues, and demand a shift to renewable energy.
10 Min read

Hundreds of climate activists have staged protests outside the Energy Intelligence Forum in London, a conference where fossil fuel industry leaders and government officials are discussing energy issues. The protesters are denouncing the impact of the fossil fuel industry on the climate and demanding a transition to renewable energy sources.

The protests, which began on Monday and are expected to last until Thursday, are part of a wider campaign by Extinction Rebellion (XR) and other groups to pressure the UK government to take more action on the climate crisis ahead of the COP26 summit in Glasgow in November.

The protesters have staged various actions, such as blocking roads, disrupting traffic, marching, chanting, holding banners and placards, and performing theatrical acts. Some of the slogans they used include “No More Fossil Fools”, “Stop Funding Climate Chaos”, and “Tell the Truth”.

The police have arrested several protesters for obstructing the highway and breaching public order conditions. The authorities have deployed increased security in the vicinity of the Intercontinental Hotel in Park Lane, where the conference is held, and other potential protest sites.

The activists have also targeted other fossil fuel-related businesses in central London, such as Shell, BP, and Barclays. They have spray-painted messages, glued themselves to windows, and smashed glass doors. They have also delivered letters to the CEOs of these companies, urging them to divest from fossil fuels and invest in clean energy.

The protesters claim that the UK government is failing to meet its own targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and is supporting the fossil fuel industry with subsidies and tax breaks. They also accuse the Energy Intelligence Forum of being a greenwashing event that promotes false solutions to the climate crisis, such as carbon capture and storage, hydrogen, and nuclear power.

The protesters demand that the UK government declare a climate emergency, set a legally binding target of net zero emissions by 2025, and create a citizens’ assembly to oversee the transition to a green economy.

The protesters say they will continue their actions until their demands are met or until they are forcibly removed by the police. They say they are willing to risk arrest and imprisonment for their cause.

The protests have caused significant disruptions to transport and business operations in central London. Many commuters have faced delays and cancellations due to the road closures and diversions. Some shops and offices have also closed or reduced their services due to the protests.

The protests have also attracted media attention and public support from some celebrities, politicians, and academics. Among them are actors Emma Thompson and Mark Rylance, former archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas, and Oxford University professor Tim Jackson.

The protests are part of a global movement of climate activism that has grown in recent years in response to the worsening impacts of climate change. The movement has been inspired by young activists such as Greta Thunberg, who started the school strike for climate campaign in 2018.
